Saturday, September 14, 2013

Well, it's been much too long since my last post, so I figured I'd dive right in and talk about some of the reading. The section on color was really interesting, especially since color relationships are one of the more difficult visual concepts for me to understand. I just don't instinctively know which colors should go together in a given situation. My sister, however, knows instantly how to do this. She recently re-painted one of our bathrooms, and picked a light, pinkish orange. She then used purple as an accent color. It looks fantastic, but there's no way I would have ever thought to combine those two colors!

My first instinct is just to stick with black, white, grays, and maybe some accent color. That's a simple combination I can understand and am aesthetically drawn to for some reason. I recently bought an album from one of my favorite bands, and one of the pictures in the inside booklet uses color in this way:

From Wild Card, by ReVamp
The red of the bleeding heart really stands out, not just because it's gruesome, but because red is a very strong color, and it's made even more noticeable by its dingy grey, black, and white surroundings. It's a pretty gross image, but I like the jolt it gives on first viewing.

1 comment:

  1. Good. Think about the metaphors at play here, color, scale, positive-negative space, etc. and how they contribute to the "accessibility" of the image.
